The Mission of the MEXTESOL Journal

Focusing on the circumstances of teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) throughout the world, the MEXTESOL Journal publishes articles dealing with both practical and theoretical topics of interest to the EFL teacher. The Journal strives to publish high-quality articles and to maintain high ethical standards in both refereed and non-refereed publications.

Note: The MEXTESOL Journal does not charge any fees for publishing an article.


Beginning January 1, 2022, the MEXTESOL Journal began publishing four issues a year in a continuous publishing mode (Number 1: January 1-March 31; Number 2: April 1-June 30; Number 3: July 1-September 30, and Number 4: October 1-December 31. As soon as they are formally accepted, articles are published in the issue that is at that time open. This reduces waiting time and allows the articles to reach the public more rapidly. For this reason, Current Issues may have from one to twenty or more articles at any given time.

Open Access Policy

MEXTESOL Journal uses the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) that allows remixing, transforming, and building upon the material in a non-commercial way, as well as copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format, provided the original author and source are credited.

Copyright notice

The authors must assign the Property of the MEXTESOL Journal so that the collaborations can be reproduced, communicated, transmitted and distributed in any form or medium for scientific non-profit purposes. 

Authors may make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (eg, include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) provided that they clearly indicate that the work it was first published in this journal.

Authors are allowed and recommended to publish their work on the Internet (for example on institutional or personal pages) after the review and publication process, as it can lead to productive exchanges and a greater and faster dissemination of the published work.

MEXTESOL Journal Ethics Statement

The MEXTESOL Journal takes pride in following a strict code of ethics.  This refers to the processes of submitting, reviewing, mentoring, and editing and it also requires our authors to consider the principles of honesty and integrity.  

When submitting an article, the MJ looks for original work from our authors. An article should not be submitted to another journal while it is being reviewed for our journal. All refereed articles are peer reviewed (double blind) by scholars from our list of reviewers, representing more than 40 different countries. Once the article has been reviewed, the Associate Editors and the Style Editor work with the author(s) to finalize the article for publication.

The submitted article must complete the following requisites:

1.   The article must be original work, including proper citations and following accepted ethics for research. It must not be under consideration from any other publication.

2.   Since we do not tolerate any kind of plagiarism, internet tools are used to determine if the article includes plagiarism, and if any is detected, the author is immediately contacted by the Editor-in-Chief. A plagiarism check is conducted on submission of the article and again before it begins Style Editing.

3.   Authors are only allowed to submit one article to MJ at a time as first author. Once an article has been accepted by the reviewer(s), the author may submit another article as first author. 

4.   All authors must be able to prove they have no conflict of interest of any kind and any article that involves participants within a research project must be able to prove that all ethical considerations, such as informed consent have been followed.

5.   Before final formatting of an article, all authors must review the most recent version of the article and then each author must sign a letter of consent indicating that they have reviewed and accepted the final version. No further changes in the article will be considered after that point.

For an extended list of ethical issues regarding publishing, we recommend the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, 

Contact Information

JoAnn Miller


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MEXTESOL Journal, vol. 49, no. 1, 2025, es una publicación cuadrimestral editada por la Asociación Mexicana de Maestros de Inglés, MEXTESOL, A.C., Versalles 15, Int. 301, Col. Juárez, Alcadía Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600, Ciudad de México, México, Tel. (55) 55 66 87 49, Editor responsable: Jo Ann Miller Jabbusch. Reserva de Derechos al uso Exclusivo No. 04-2015-092112295900-203, ISSN: 2395-9908, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional de Derecho del Autor. Responsible de la última actualización de este número: Jo Ann Miller, Asociación Mexicana de Maestros de Inglés, MEXTESOL, A.C., Versalles 15, Int. 301, Col. Juárez, Alcadía Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600, Ciudad de México, México. Fecha de la última modificación: 31/08/2015. Las opiniones expresadas por los autores no necesariamente reflejan la postura del editor de la publicación. Se autoriza la reproducción total o parcial de los textos aquī publicados siempre y cuando se cite la fuente completa y la dirección electrónica de la publicación.


MEXTESOL Journal applies the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license to everything we publish.